La derrota de Eric Cantor y la


La derrota de Eric Cantor y la ¡”Lección de Inmigración”!

25 de junio de 2014


La derrota de Eric Cantor el número dos republicano en la jerarquía del partido fue percibido como el “terremoto de San Francisco” que viene de la nada. Pero realmente ¿vino de la nada? Fue inesperado y no es lógico?


Hubo y habrá un montón de análisis en los medios, entre la gente y los políticos acerca de la derrota de Eric Cantor. Sin embargo, y por el bien de este artículo, voy a analizar las lecciones de esta elección que sorprendió a muchos y alegro a otros. Que efectos tiene la derrota de Eric Cantor para propósitos del tema de inmigración y qué efecto pueda tener en la tan esperada reforma.


Primera lección: los candidatos anti-inmigrantes siguen pagando los precios más altos en las elecciones de Virginia con la pérdida de sus participaciones!


Por contradictorio que pueda sonar esta declaración (porque Bratt es un candidato más anti-inmigrante), uno puede fácilmente llegar a esta conclusión.


Al analizar el historial de Eric Cantor, no es necesario poner su política de lucha contra la inmigración bajo un microscopio para saber que por largo tiempo, ha sostenido un claro rechazo y su resistencia a cualquier reforma migratoria integral. En una carrera para ganarse los corazones de los republicanos en un distrito predominantemente republicano, dos candidatos antiinmigrantes lucharán para ganar los votos de los candidatos en temas de inmigración no relacionada.


Hoy, en este tipo de carreras, un candidato “del pueblo y para el pueblo” es más atractivo que un “Candidato cabildero de D.C. Sin embargo, si Cantor hubiera tenido una “política de inmigración flexible”, habría movilizado a la “otra” base republicana (cada vez es más grande) que favorece la reforma migratoria.


Alguien puede preguntar entonces, ¿pero quienes son esos “otros” republicanos? y la respuesta es: ¡LOS LATINOS!


Segunda lección: Los datos demográficos están cambiando en todas partes incluso en VA pero el Partido Republicano en Virginia tiende a pasar por alto este hecho.


Incluso Eric Cantor, el número dos del más alto rango republicano. Muchos analistas creen, que no hizo suficientes esfuerzos para ganarse los corazones de los latinos en su distrito, en Virginia o en la nación en general.


Se puede decir que los latinos representan una pequeña parte de su distrito, predominantemente blanco. Esto es cierto. ¿Pero recientemente las elecciones no se han decidido por los votantes indecisos y por pocos votos?


Muchos creen que una combinación de puntos de vista sobre moderados sobre inmigración y más trabajo con las minorías (afroamericanos, asiáticos y latinos) podría haber cambiado el resultado para el “pez gordo” republicano.


Tercera Lección: Los candidatos republicanos pro-inmigrantes han ganado más elecciones primarias recientemente que sus opositores anti-inmigración.


En un informe publicado por “Latino Decisions”, el autor publicó una estadística muy interesante en apoyo de esta teoría: “El mismo día que perdió Cantor, el senador republicano Lindsey Graham ganó fácilmente su primaria en la conservadora Carolina del Sur con el 57% de los votos. Su rival más cercano – que lo atacó por apoyar una reforma migratoria – ganó sólo el 15% del voto primario.


Como recordarán Graham fue uno de los que conformaron el grupo de los 8 que patrocinaron el proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria que aprobó el Senado de EE.UU.. “El autor del informe citado, dio otros ejemplos de cómo otros republicanos cobraron su apoyo a reforma migratoria ganado sus primarias.


“En el distrito 14 de Ohio, Matt Lynch hizo campaña sobre una estricta plataforma antiinmigrante y llamó a su rival David Joyce demasiado moderado en materia de inmigración. El candidato moderado Joyce derrotó fácilmente al candidato anti-inmigrante Lynch. En el Senado EE.UU. En las primarias de Georgia, el candidato anti-inmigrante, Paul Broun, terminó con menos del 10% del voto republicano, perdiendo con el empresario David Perdue.


En el distrito 10 de California, el republicano Jeff Denham, que ha co-patrocinado una legislación de reforma migratoria en la Cámara ni siquiera tuvo un rival republicano”.


Estas son evidencias claras del impacto que tiene el tema de inmigración en las primarias republicanas.


A medida que la carrera por el congreso esta más cerca de su meta final, el tema de la inmigración será un factor de presión. Puede que no sea todavía “el” factor decisivo en el séptimo distrito, pero sin duda va a ser uno de ellos.


En el distrito 7th , la carrera en el otoño va a ser entre un candidato demócrata y uno republicano, con puntos de vista muy contrarios en cuanto a la inmigración.


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immigration case? Contact Fayad Law, P.C. now.

What Sets Fayad Law, P.C. Apart?

As a boutique law firm, we make sure that every single case we handle and client we represent receives our personal attention. We limit our caseload to ensure our clients feel truly supported at every moment, from start to finish. Your best interests will always be priority – and that is our driving priority. We know that any type of legal matter can be overwhelming. We approach every case with compassion and dedication from start to finish because we know how much may be at stake for you. We bring more than 20 years of combined legal experience to the table, which gives our clients the legal knowledge and insight needed to successfully navigate various legal processes.

Firsthand Experience
as Immigrants

English, Arabic, French,
Russian, Spanish, and Farsi

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Record of Success

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We Strive for Client


There are dozens of different types of visas available under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), but they can all be placed in one of two categories: immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. The former is for individuals who are hoping to establish permanent residency with a green card and perhaps even to pursue the path to naturalization and citizenship. The latter is for those who are only planning a temporary visit to the United States, such as for the purpose of conducting business or attending school.

The INA sets limits on the number of people who will be permitted to immigrate to the United States each year using certain types of visas, while other visas are unlimited. Family immigration visas for the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens are available on an unlimited basis, while there are annual quotas set for the relatives of lawful permanent residents and extended family of citizens, with a maximum quota of 480,000. The number of employment immigration visas is limited to 140,000 per year.

Pathways to citizenship include service in the United States military and adoption, but a large percentage of all people who become citizens do so through the process of naturalization. The basic qualifications for naturalization include:

  • Living in the U.S. as a permanent resident for 5 years (or 3 years for a spouse of a U.S. citizen)
  • Being at least 18 years of age
  • Living within the state where you will apply for citizenship for at least 3 months prior to the application date
  • Being physically present in this country for at least half of the past 5 years
  • Maintaining continuous residence in this country from the date you submit your application for naturalization
  • Being able to read, write and speak English
  • Have a basic understanding of U.S. government and civics

It is also necessary to supply evidence that you are a person of good moral character and are attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. We can assist you with proving these factors, as well as preparing your petition and helping you get ready for the tests.

In June of 2012, the Obama Administration directed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to begin applying a policy that is referred to as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Under deferred action, DHS is exercising discretion in its execution of the laws concerning deportation and removal of immigrants who are illegally present in the United States. Deferred action is not a change to the existing law, but is instead a change in the way that the law is being applied. You may qualify for relief under DACA if you were younger than 31 years of age on June 15, 2012, came to the U.S. before your 16th birthday, have continuously resided in this country since June 15, 2007 and are either currently in school or have already graduated from high school or earned your general education development (GED) certificate, among other criteria. With deferred action, you may be able to avoid being deported, though it does not grant any change of immigration status.

In its review of immigrant visa petitions, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) weighs factors related to the ties that the prospective immigrant has in the United States and the reasons why he or she wants or needs to come to live in this country. For example, a family immigration petition will not be approved unless the foreign national has immediate relatives such as a spouse, mother or father, child or sibling already living here as a citizen or green card holder. An employment immigration petition is more likely to receive approval if the applicant has a job offer in this country and is coming to fill a position that cannot reasonably be filled from the local labor market. A foreign national who is fleeing persecution in his or her home country may be granted an immigrant visa as a refugee or asylee.

There are many strategies for challenging a removal action. If the proposed deportation is based on a criminal conviction, it may be possible to appeal the conviction in order to have it overturned. Another option is to petition for cancellation of removal, a type of immigration relief which is available to people who are of good moral character and whose deportation would subject a family member who is a citizen or permanent resident to extreme hardship. The key to success in stopping deportation is to take immediate action by hiring a Virginia immigration attorney from our firm as soon as possible. Contact us now at Fayad Law, P.C. for a confidential consultation and to let us get started on your case!

Fayad Law, P.C. maintains offices in Richmond and Fairfax, Virginia. We work with individuals, families, and businesses across the world, providing them with assistance in resolving the legal issues involved with helping their loved ones and employees to immigrate to the United States. We work directly with foreign nationals living abroad, guiding them through the process of obtaining immigrant and nonimmigrant visas for entry to the U.S.

Real Clients, Real Testimonials

Moe B
03:35 05 Mar 25
Mr. Fayad and his team of lawyers in the office were very helpful, they were very organized and professional, . I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone looking for help with their case.Anyone who has a difficult case in the immigration department, contact the office of Dr. Fayyad, an immigration lawyer and expert to help you obtain the approval of the case. Thank you, Dr. Fayyad and your team.Thank you Dr FayadThanks team
Mena N.
17:48 04 Mar 25
Fayad law office is THE BEST OF THE BEST.A-lot of thanks for the whole team and special thanks for Ingy Guirguis !Finally after 9 years I got the GREEN CARD !Thanks again for your service and support !
Ana M.
01:24 04 Mar 25
Son muy profesionales, dan un trato muy especial !!
Lubia O.
00:47 04 Mar 25
Estoy muy agradecida y satisfecha por sus servicios yevan el caso de mi hija y el mío gracias a Dios y ami avogado mi hija ya cuenta con su residencia muy buenos abogados selos recomiendo.
Bahaa F.
18:41 03 Mar 25
My family and I came to the USA a year ago and applied for asylum through Fayad Law. We trust their professionalism, transparency, and dedication will lead us to a bright future here.I am especially grateful to Dr. Nash Fayad and his team for their efforts, dedication, and commitment to making our American dream a reality.
pepe D.
17:26 03 Mar 25
Estoy muy feliz a mi esposa le acaba de llegar su permiso de trabajo mi abogada muy amable alejandra recomendada 100%
Edin A.
14:37 02 Mar 25
Great service and friendly
20:23 28 Feb 25
Soy clienta de Fayad Law PC y siempre he recibido una atención amable. Se comunican conmigo para mantenerme informada, y mi caso sigue en buen proceso. Considero que estoy en buenas manos.
Nelson V.
19:22 28 Feb 25
Son Excelentes abogados en su trabajo soy muy profesionales estoy agradecido de que puedan ayudar
Fady I.
19:18 28 Feb 25
The best service ever, and i recommended
Christian D
19:14 28 Feb 25
خدمه ممتازه لكم كل الشكر والتقدير
Sidi M.
18:09 28 Feb 25
فريق ممتاز ومعامله جيده
Emely D.
17:57 28 Feb 25
Les doy 5 estrellas por el excelente servicio , gracias al trabajo duro del abogado pudimos obtener un estatus legal mi hermana y yo aquí en EE.UU. ¡ Lo recomiendo !
21:42 27 Feb 25
Excelente servicio, muy Buenos abogados.
kirols R.
18:35 27 Feb 25
انا سعيد جدآ للمشاركة مع اكبر مكتب للمحماة مكتب فياض وسعيد كمان بي التيم اللي متابعني خطوه بخطوه وسرعه في الاستجاب وشكرا للجميع
Yahaira C.
17:48 27 Feb 25
Es un bufet extremadamente eficiente y muy profesional,mil gracias estoy muy agradecida por el proceso que me están llevando, la comunicación que tienen es increíble.
Mayra L.
21:55 26 Feb 25
Exelente atencion. Muy recomendado y muy buen trabajo de parte del bufet del abogado fayad
Vidal S.
17:56 26 Feb 25
Gracias al departamento de Fayad Law.P.C. estoy agradecido con todo el abance mil gracias 🫂
Amar G.
17:05 26 Feb 25
Thank you for always being with me
Ehap M.
14:59 26 Feb 25
شكرا علي خدمة استاذ فياض والخدمة دي موجهتش اي مشكلة فيها وأنصح كل يدخل الخدمة دي شكرا .
Flory F.
20:23 25 Feb 25
Este fue el mejor servicio
Ludim G.
20:03 25 Feb 25
Muy amables☺️
rania S.
16:01 25 Feb 25
“I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Fayad Law Firm for their exceptional support and professionalism.”“When humanitarian effort surpasses mere duty, it creates a true impact—and this is exactly what happened with ( Ms. Omnia )She has always stood by my side every step of the way, making me feel genuinely cared for. Her responses were always prompt, clear, and accurate. Truly, the right person in the right place.” Again thank you Ms. Omnia ..
Yasmin A.
20:02 21 Feb 25
Muy buen servicio todos muy amables siempre atentos y comprometidos a tu caso
Armando O.
02:43 21 Feb 25
Estoy muy satisfecho por el servicio que brindan, muestran interés sobre el caso, la verdad me dan mucha confianza.
hilario G.
20:20 20 Feb 25
Tienen un personal muy profesional & amables.
luxeim G U.
22:42 19 Feb 25
Excellent I recomend
Yellowsubmarine!!! !
19:24 19 Feb 25
La verdad de los mejores firmas de abogados muy buenas personas un servicio excepcional y muy recomendable mi caso no tardo mucho y gracias a Dios y a ellos ya tengo mi residencia 💯⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
19:16 14 Feb 25
Ellos hicieron un excelente trabajo para obtener mi permiso de trabajo.
sherif E.
15:19 14 Feb 25
خدمة ممتازة جدا وفريق في غاية الروعة والتميز والاحترافية بالعمل والتعامل
oxmany E.
22:33 13 Feb 25
Excellent service and very efficient . The best law firm in the DMV !!!
Fernando M.
19:07 13 Feb 25
Excelente servicio, amabilidad total
Mildre G.
18:03 13 Feb 25
Me andado un buen cervicio me alludo con caso
Claudia H.
17:34 13 Feb 25
Buen servicio
15:01 13 Feb 25
Good service
Wael A.
16:40 12 Feb 25
The must professional and friendly teamBest service ever
Veronica T.
21:43 11 Feb 25
Fayad Law is the best, It’s my fair assumption that these people go all out to help you with your case. I am a true example of someone who had given up. Then a friend introduced me to this lawfirm. Today am a proud green card holder. A big thank you to all the hard working people of Fayad Law group.
Payam F.
21:42 11 Feb 25
I have been a Fayad Law client for the past 6 months, and I can confidently say their service has been incredible. The team is always available to answer any questions I have, and they provide clear, helpful guidance every step of the way. I truly appreciate their professionalism and the attention they give to my case. ✨
Alex P.
18:59 11 Feb 25
Ellos son muy buenos se los recomiendo
Elizabeth Yanes T.
18:20 11 Feb 25
Excelente servicio
Ariel Z.
01:37 11 Feb 25
Todo el servicio es muy excelente
Karla R.
23:52 10 Feb 25
Excelente servicio 👍todo nos solucionan
Julia V.
22:14 10 Feb 25
Excelente servicio , Amabilidad excelente
katy C.
20:06 10 Feb 25
Muy buen servicio !! Dedicados a ayudar y apoyarnos gracias !!
Jose G.
20:32 07 Feb 25
Mi esperiencia asido la mejor son muy buenos
Nas P.
18:11 07 Feb 25
Muy recomendable
Julio C.
18:08 07 Feb 25
Me ayudaron mucho deverdad los recomiendo mi caso fue muy rapido y la atencion es muy buena
Estefany A.
19:01 06 Feb 25
Exelente cerbicio muy buen trato con los clientes 😉 y efectivo su servicio
Alex V.
18:34 06 Feb 25
Buen servicio
salvador G.
14:02 06 Feb 25
Agradecido con Fayad law, muy buen servicio todo ha salido como esperábamos. Muy buena atención, muy amables 100% recomendados
Karen C.
22:45 05 Feb 25
I truly recommend Fayad Law P.C. to anyone looking for the best of the best when it comes to immigration attorneys. They are extremely knowledgeable, supportive, professional, and they get the job done quick with accuracy. I personally recommend Nash Fayad he is very knowledgeable, honest, trustworthy, and professional.
Norelvi H.
22:24 05 Feb 25
Excelente servicio
Mabel G.
17:13 05 Feb 25
Muy agradecida con sus servicios recomendados
Patricia T.
14:41 05 Feb 25
Muy buen abogado la verdad
Rosa E.
21:59 04 Feb 25
Super recomendados muy agradecida con los abogados ❤️
Y-E-M_____g A.
18:41 03 Feb 25
I want to thank Fayad and his great team for the work that they did for me they are very professional and did a great job Thank you
Enrique R.
14:31 03 Feb 25
Buen trabajo con el equipo de trabajo de abogados de Fayad Law
Aixa Esmeralda F.
16:43 02 Feb 25
Así muy buen servicio muy amable todos
khaled A.
17:21 01 Feb 25
اود ان اتقدم بالشكر لمكتب المحامي الدكتور ناصر فياض على كل الجهود التي بذلت مع ملف تقديم الاسايلم منذ عام 2015 الى حد حصولي على الكرين كارت في شهر واحد من هذا العام وبكل صراحة عشر سنوات من الجهد والمتابعة الحثيثة من جميع كادر المكتب حيث كان الدكتور ناصر في المقابلة وبذل جهدا كبير لتحضير الملف وشكر خاص للسيدة انجي التي كانت تتابع معي كل المستجدات في القضية وايجاد حلول لتسريع المقابلة واصدار بطاقة العمل والمقابلة وارسال ايميلات للسناتور ومكتب الهجرة لحين الوصول لتقديم الكرين كارت ومتابعة كل صغيرة وكبيرة بخصوص الملف لحين وصلنا لحظة الحصول على الكرين كارت بجهود الجميع في المكتب والحمدلله واود اخص بالشكر للاخت امنيه ايضا لحهودها في تحضير ملف الكرين كارت وسرعة الارسال وكذلك شكر للاخت مروه على متابعتها دائما في اي تحديث يحصل بالملف واخيرا شكرا لكم جميعا ووفقكم الله واتمنى لجميع عملائكم الحصول على نتائج ايجابية في قضاياهم باسرع وقت ان شاءالله
ahmed E.
15:42 31 Jan 25
Great experience so far! The team is professional and helpful, providing clear legal advice and following up on cases with care. Some matters are still in progress, but I’m satisfied with the service so far
14:36 31 Jan 25
Estamos muy satisfechos con el desempeño de nuestro bufete de abogados Fayad Law, siempre mostrando interés por resolver cualquier duda sobre nuestro caso, siendo completamente conscientes y honestos desde el inicio.
Ahmed H.
20:28 18 Dec 24
Fayad Law has been wonderful to my family and I. We have been in the United States for 10 years and we just recently got granted asylum and that was because of Fayad Law! Thank you Fayad Law for bringing our hope back and helping us with our case, truly such a great and amazing team they have!
Graciela P.
03:12 07 Dec 24
He sido cliente de la firma de Abogados Fayad Law , son muy eficiente , y su personal capaz y amable cuando uno trata con ellos , en mi caso me asignado a la señorita Alejandra Gómez , muy amable y tiene un espíritu de servicio notable , ahora ya tengo mis documentos , gracias a todo el personal !!!
Kahtan A.
13:09 04 Oct 24
Mr. Fayad and his team of lawyers in the office were very helpful, they were very organized and they knew exactly what documents I needed for my case, the way they prepared with me for my immigration interview was very professional, and they were on top of things with me especially with communication. They definitely had a big contribution to the positive outcome of my case. I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone looking for help with their case, him and his team will help you.
Moe O.
19:26 30 Sep 24
I have known the Fayad Law group for more than 20 years. Their team has been providing outstanding legal support for me, my family and my extended family over the years. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication have been invaluable. We have always felt confident in their hands, knowing they will prioritize our needs and work tirelessly to achieve the best results for us in a timely fashion. I have also referred many friends to Fayad Law and they all had the same feedback. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of trustworthy and effective legal assistance. A BIG Thank you for your whole Team.
Mazen O.
23:07 27 Sep 24
I recently had the pleasure of working with Fayad Law, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with their services. From the initial consultation to the final submission of my visa application, the team was professional, knowledgeable, and incredibly supportive. They took the time to understand my unique situation, guiding me through every step of the process with clear communication and personalized attention.What stood out most was their commitment to staying updated on immigration laws and policies, ensuring that my application was both thorough and compliant. The staff was always available to answer my questions and address any concerns, making the entire experience much less stressful.I highly recommend Fayad Law to anyone seeking assistance with immigration matters. Their expertise and dedication truly set them apart in the field.
Meggy M.
19:16 27 Sep 24
Good Afternoon Aida,We would like to thank you once again for representing us in our case and helping us with everything we needed to know in the interview. We could not have done it without you. Thanks to you and your Law Firm’s diligence, we were able to overcome the adversity in our last case. We wish you well on your endeavors and hope your life and career are filled with many more wins.Seth & Magdalene
Sidielmekhtar B.
00:18 27 Sep 24
لقد كانت تجربة أكثر من رائعة لقد فزت بقضيتي عن طريق هاذا المكتب وطوال هاذهي الفترة أحسست أنني بين عائلتي عندما أحتاج لهم في أي أستفسار أجدهم في الحقيقة صرت أعتبرهم عائلتي الثانية وأشكر الأستاذة لارة كما أشكر لأستاذة مي والأستاذ سامح وهناك أشخاص لا أعرف أسمائهم منهم الشخص الذي يستقبلني في الهاتف إنه شخص رائع وأتمني لكم المزيد من النجاح والتألق؟It was a more than wonderful experience. I won my case through this office, and throughout this period I felt that I was among my family. When I needed them for any inquiry, I found them. In fact, I considered them my second family. I thank Ms. Lara, as and Mr. Sameh. There are people whose names I do not know, including the person who receives me on the phone. He is a wonderful person, and I wish you more success and brilliance.
Eyad I.
16:15 23 Aug 24
Very respectful and professional office, always get back to you on time and reply to emails in a very timely manner. Gives you all the details you need to know and give each customer the time they need to answer any questions or inquiries . Get all your paperwork done and prepare whatever work that you need to be done. Highly recommended and one of the best legal services you can ever get
Iliana C.
20:38 31 Jul 24
Son una firma de abogados muy profesionales, Dariel Cancel y Rayza Blanco me prepararon excelente para mi corte finalExcelente firma los recomiendo!!!
Mena H.
00:24 03 Jul 24
I cannot recommend Fayad Law enough! The whole firm, most notably Attorney Aida was timely, professional, and thoughtful throughout our whole engagement. Attorney Aida went out of the way to always get back to us and make sure we understood our options and next steps. We had switched law firms multiple times and this was by far our best experience. Our consideration ultimately got solved and we could not have done this without the counsel of attorney Aida. I should also note how great it was to deal with Oscar at the firm. I highly recommend this firm, you will not regret it!
ajmal S.
18:25 23 May 24
It was great to work with Fayad Law for a petition. They have been very cooperative, responsive and supportive. Also, they have great expertise in dealing with difficult legal issues related to immigration petitions. I recommend them to be an immigration law firm that you can rely on.
bill P.
15:33 17 May 24
Thank God that we used the service of Fayad law office, my wife could not handle the officer interview by herself , Ma Aida Farahani presence ( The Lawyer) was very helpful and important helping my wife during the whole interview , we shall always recommend Fayad law Office service to anyone who has a case with the immigration and we are very sure they will handle it with care and professionalism to get the best positive results
22:06 02 May 24
Thanks a lot for your great efforts.
Deema A.
03:44 25 Apr 24
They are the best team to work with they did a great job, I got my citizenship through them. Omnia and Aida work so hard with meThank you so much Fayad Law!You are the best!
Helene D.
22:42 12 Mar 24
Thanks to Fayad Law firm I got my naturalization. The team is very caring, attentive to all the details and advises as much as possible. Thank you for your help.
15:41 12 Mar 24
احلى خدمات معاكم شكراً لكم
Izzy T.
15:31 12 Mar 24
Great experience
Christine A.
19:20 01 Mar 24
I would like to thank to all Fayad Law, PC team that helped me during my green card process. They were very knowledgeable and helpful. I had an outstanding experience. I recommend Fayad Law attorney services. I can’t thank enough how I appreciate your hard work to make everything done successfully. ( Oscar, Aida, valeria) you guys are amazing…!! Thank you.
Jafer K.
13:02 11 Feb 24
I am beyond impressed with Fayad Law! Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to their clients are truly exceptional. From the initial consultation to the final resolution, their team provided top-notch service and support. Their attention to detail, thorough understanding of the law, and strategic approach resulted in a successful outcome for my case. I cannot recommend Fayad Law highly enough – they truly stand out as the best of the best! If you’re seeking outstanding legal representation, look no further!With Fayad Law, I am US citizenship now 🇺🇸
15:26 09 Feb 24
I am so happy with Fayad Law.We worked with them regarding Green cards for parents.Aida and Oscar are excellent, professional, knowledgeable, ready to follow up and response with great and on time advise.I recommend them to everyone.Thank you again Aida and Oscar
hind M.
08:39 07 Dec 23
Great services Fayad Law was really helpful throughout my husband Immigrant application process.Thanks again to you all.
Joseph G.
15:07 23 Oct 23
Aida and Oscar were magnificent to us ! Always available! Step – by – step assistance. We truly felt they cared about us and our situation. Never once did they give us erroneous advice or information. The process is long and requires detailed compliance and completeness- Aida and Oscar guided us through it all AND continuously gave us HOPE for a successful outccome! An outcome we achieved!!!!!!!!!!
Mo H.
08:52 16 Sep 23
I recently had the privilege of working with Dariel Cancel, and I can’t express how grateful I am for his outstanding legal expertise and dedication to my case. From start to finish, Dariel demonstrated an unparalleled level of professionalism, knowledge, and genuine care for his clients.Dariel’s attention to detail is truly remarkable. He meticulously examined every aspect of my case, leaving no stone unturned. His ability to explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner made me feel confident and informed throughout the entire process.One of the things that stood out the most during my experience with Dariel was his unwavering commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for his clients. He went above and beyond to advocate for my rights and interests, and his courtroom skills are truly impressive.Moreover, Dariel Cancel and his team provided exceptional communication and support. They promptly answered my questions, kept me updated on the progress of my case, and made me feel like a valued client every step of the way.I am thrilled to say that with Dariel’s expertise, my case had a successful outcome. I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney to represent me. If you are in need of legal services and want someone who is not only a great lawyer but also a compassionate advocate, I wholeheartedly recommend Dariel Cancel. He is a true professional who is dedicated to achieving the best results for his clients. Thank you, Dariel, for your outstanding work!
Nona M.
01:50 30 Jul 23
Maria M.
02:00 22 Jul 23
Oscar and team helped me through process my case in limited time. They were very helpful, especially Oscar he’s very attention to the detail, he worked above and beyond and he called me as soon as the office receive my greencard. Thank you Oscar and team!
Maria M.
23:37 10 Jul 23
I had an exceptional experience with Fayad Law, P.C. and attorney Aida Farahani. Aida and her team of paralegals, especially Oscar and Mariana, were incredibly kind, helpful and quick to respond to emails. They provided excellent support throughout the entire process of my mother’s naturalization application, including the interview. Aida’s professionalism and reassurance, combined with the dedication and efficiency of her paralegals, made the journey smooth and stress-free. One thing that truly stood out was their clear communication regarding what we could expect at each step of the process. I highly recommend Fayad Law, Aida Farahani, and her amazing team for all immigration related matters. Thank you for your exceptional service.
Ali A
20:53 30 Jun 23
Very helpful and excellent lawyer. He worked very hard to win my asylum case and he showed confidence and experience. The best Lawyer!
Ahmed A.
15:03 30 Jun 23
I had the privilege of witnessing my brother’s triumphant asylum case, and I attribute much of his success to the remarkable skills of Dariel, his immigration lawyer. Dariel’s exceptional attention to detail, unwavering professionalism, patience, and punctuality were instrumental in securing a favorable outcome. I highly recommend Dariel’s services to anyone in need of an outstanding immigration lawyer.
Adnan H
22:17 15 Jun 23
Working with Attorney Dariel Cancel was the best choice I made. Not only was he diligent and thorough throughout the entirety of my time with him, but his hard work led to success in my case today. I am grateful that I found this firm and had the privilege of working with such a bright and exceptional attorney. I truly believe his future is looking bright with all his successes. I highly recommend working with Fayad Law and entrusting Attorney Dariel Cancel with your case.
Ariela A.
23:02 24 May 23
excellent service. very good lawyer dariel cancel
Rubi M.
13:48 28 Apr 23
Son una firma de abogados profesionales y que recomiendo realmente me ayudaron a ganar mi caso. Ellos están muy bien informados en los temas siempre los. recomendare
phop D.
16:59 24 Apr 23
Aida Farahani And Oscar are the Best helpers best service thank you
dorsa J.
12:20 03 Apr 23
Aida is the best , I highly recommended her . She is very knowledgeable. I had such a great experience with her . She helped me with applying for green card and K1 visa.
Rizwan C.
02:24 22 Mar 23
Fayad Law, P.C. has a very knowledgeable team.Mr. Nash Fayad, Aida Farahani, and Oscar Herrera handled my case very professionally and with great attention to detail.Based on my experience, Fayad Law is a HIGHLY recommended immigration law firm.
ali A.
13:31 16 Mar 23
Aida Farahani and Oscar Herrera they are the best immigration lawyers in the market right know they are working with Fayad low
Yaritza S.
13:07 09 Mar 23
Es un abogado muy profesional
Ali A.
20:54 01 Feb 23
I highly recommend this place! They have an amazing legal team that provided an outstanding effort and care throughout the entire process. Thank you!
Marines C.
14:48 01 Feb 23
Working with Fayad Law has been the best experience anyone can have. Everyone was exceedingly professional, reliable and punctual to say the least. If I ever need immigration lawyers again, Fayad Law will be my choice!
Eyad W.
22:18 19 Dec 22
Thank you so much Oscar and Aida !
Jumana N.
12:24 04 Sep 22
I really recommended Fayad law team!Mr.Aida did Amazing job with my case!I’m so lucky that i was one of your clients!😍thanks for you and for the team who was working on my case!!
Moudy L.
21:57 12 Jan 22
To the point, great law office, friendlyThank u everyone
Andrey K.
19:01 22 Dec 21
Stellar immigration firm. Had a very pleasant experience, had multiple cases handled by Fayad Law and they were responsive, knowledgeable and effective. Especially Mrs Dosmanova – highly recommend to work with this attorney, speaks multiple languages too
Haya S.
19:01 22 Dec 21
I’m very happy to work with Ms. Ektrena she helped me a lot through out my case, I would Thank her very much 🙂
Alex Z.
19:01 22 Dec 21
Fayad law its a great firm very professional they made a great job With my case.
19:01 22 Dec 21
This review is being written after a phone consultation with Mr. Fayad. Mr. Fayad is a well-informed and caring person who tries his best to help his clients and lead them down the right path. His staff are understanding and polite, as they helped me with an issue concerning the timing of the consultation as well as followed-up after to ensure if I missed anything or needed any further help with my legal issue.Overall, I recommend Mr. Fayad for anyone who needs legal advice or help.
19:01 22 Dec 21
This review is specific for the front desk. The first face who greets you is Estaphania. She always has a smile and greets you warmly genuinely. She is attentive and seems like one who enjoys what she does.I can’t rate the legal work yet because I just signed my contract with Mr. Fayyad and am hoping for the best.
Hany F.
19:01 22 Dec 21
I dealt with Ingy Girgis and she was beyond expectation in all matters , staff in the office are very helpful and cooperative. I realy recommend Fayad law office
Ashraf H.
19:01 22 Dec 21
The best one ever, great mindset, very clever

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